Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bloody Huey!!!

Shazza hit the water today and in true Shazza style was christened with BEER!

The weather gods were not on our side today, blowing 15-20 from the wrong direction, and with no motor or insurance yet, well there was no way we were going out. As you can see TTB was happy to keep their boat on the trailer also. Yet again the guys of TTB were a great help. They even gave Shazza a bit of a drink of Rum, thanks guys! I reckon she liked it.

The keel was very good, sliding up and down a treat, halyards great, new jib great---simply put everything worked very well except the weather.

If the weather gods want to play next weekend we are ready to go.

The original and the new upstart trying/wanting to square off against each other.

I'm not sure which is prettier ( I think mine but I think Andrew might disagree), but it was a great sight to see the two of them together for the first time even if it was in a marina car park.