Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sanding & Welding

The hull doesn't look much different from a week ago. It's been sanded, filled, sanded and re-primed and started sanding again. I'll be sanding through the week and hopefully applying the top coat on the weekend.

Thanks again to Andrew, Rob, and Paul of
Tokyo Trash Baby

They have again given me some great advice and encouragement. Rob is also hopefully making; chainplate fittings, forestay fitting, rudder pintle and complete spinnaker pole for me--how great is that!
Anyone would think they want another i550 to sail with locally!

As you can see, we've been building the trailer, and yes that's me in the white shirt. The young fella next to me is my neighbour who happens to be very handy with a welder. A few more hours and the trailer will be ready.